This property has been sold

23 Radford Hollow Rd, Berea, Kentucky

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Added On:05/31/2019
Last Updated:02/11/2025
A green, low-allergen home with extensive solar energy, water catchment, and organic garden infrastructure. Beautiful 3br/2ba; custom brick, 50-yr metal roof; hardwood floors, cherry kitchen cabinets; security system.
Green HomeHealthy HomeSustainable HomeEnergy Efficient HomeEnergyStar HomePhotovoltaic (PV)
$1,451Annual Property Tax
2,400Square Feet
3 / 2Beds / Baths
3.0 acresLot Size
2006Year Built
Green HomeProperty Type

Mortgage Calculator

Purchase Price ($)Down Payment
Loan Amount
Annual Interest Rate
Loan Term (years)
Estimated Monthly Mortgage Payment

What makes your home a Green or Healthy Home?

Three kinds of solar energy: solar electric, solar hot water, and passive solar design for collection of free sun heat in winter months. Plus geothermal HVAC -- 4x more efficient than normal heat pump. Perimeter walls have 60% more insulation than typical construction. High-quality, low-turnover materials -- built to last. Gardens have been managed organically, without chemicals or pesticides of any kind. EnergyStar appliances, ceiling fans, etc.

Property Description

A beautiful home with top-shelf energy features, construction quality, and garden infrastructure. Low- and no-VOC materials; no pets or smokers in house since construction. Custom brick exterior, 50-yr metal roof, designed for low maintenance; 3 bedroom, 2 bath; vaulted ceiling; all hardwood & tile floors; 20' glass window-wall. Energy-efficient design, EnergyStar envelope, 5.4kW tracking solar PV, solar hot water, passive solar, geothermal HVAC. Large garden beds with 12 years of organic soil management; perennials; cisterns and pumps for watering; shed & greenhouse. Mountain views; 1/4 mi to lake.

Neighborhood Description

In general, it's a rural neighborhood, with farm fields and houses here and there. My property has two excellent views: one, a view of a mini-mountain with a nice rock face; and two, a farm field that randomly features cows, horses, and alpacas. Owsley Lake is just a short walk away, with fishing and light boating. There is plenty of great hiking nearby.

Market Area

Berea has a nice college-town feel, and the sustainable ag program at Berea College is a centerpiece for the local food movement. There is a year-round farmers' market. Major local events each year include music festivals, theater productions, craft fairs, and skill-building workshops. The music really gets going in summertime, with a free music concert in Beara's Old Town district every Friday night, featuring an eclectic mix of rock, funk, and folk.

School District

Sorry, I don't have kids so I don't know firsthand, but my understanding is that my area is sought out for the quality of the schools. I believe the high schools are Madison Southern and Berea Independent School.


The property is about seven miles from the heart of Berea--a major Kentucky cultural and sustainability center. The Berea area has an excellent community of artists, permaculturists, and people with a wide variety of hands-on skills, with many skill-building workshops available through the year.

Location of Home or Land


Elevation of Home


Air Quality

Agriculture in Areayes
Industry in Areano
Air Pollution in Areano
Pesticide Freeyes
Fragrance Freeyes
Cleaned with Green Productsyes

Interior Environment

Heating System
Ground Source Heat Pump
Cooling System
Ventilation System
Part of Cooling System
Whole House Filtration
Whole House Vacuumno

Energy & Water

Energy System
Photovoltaic (PV)
Water System
Wastewater System
Septic System

Construction Information

Exterior Finish
Interior Finish
Gypsum Board - Sheet Rock
Interior Paint
Floor Material
Roof Material
Window Material
Wood Dual Glazed
Insulation Material

Garage / Car Port

Garage / Carportyes
Garage Typeattached
Number of Cars1
Garage Area600 sqft

Listing ID : 20457